UH School of Art 41st Annual MFA Thesis Exhibition
March 30—April 13, 2019
Each spring the Blaffer Art Museum and the University of Houston School of Art proudly presents the work of the Masters of Fine Arts degree candidates from the school’s five studio programs: Graphic Design, Interdisciplinary Practice and Emerging Forms, Painting, Photography/Digital Media, and Sculpture. The exhibition showcases highly developed bodies of work produced in a studio intensive environment over a three-year degree program.
University of Houston School of Art 41st Masters of Fine Arts Candidates
Erin Carty
Angel Castelan
Jimmy Castillo
Jinyong Choi
Dylan Conner
Leticia Contreras
Sunni Forcier
Rafael Gamero
Madison Luetge
Karen Martinez
Melissa Noble
Robert Redfearn
Amanda Shilling
Derek Witucki
Haoxiang Zhang