Madelyn Washington on Christopher Myers: Afro Syncretic Connections
Thursday, August 24, 2023 | 12:00pm-1:00pm
Blaffer Art Museum cafe
Join us for a free gallery tour with Madelyn Washington, Head of the Music Library, UH. Stay for conversation and lunch.
About the Speaker:
Madelyn Schackelford Washington (Head of the Music Library, UH Libraries), plans and administers the programs and daily operations of the Music Library. In addition to responsibilities for collection development, instruction, outreach, and research support, she will also contribute to projects that advance the UH Libraries’ Strategic Plan. Madelyn completed a Master of Library Science from Indiana University, a Master of Music in Afro-Latin Music from California State University, Los Angeles, and a Bachelor of Arts in Music Industry Studies from California State University, Northridge. Her research focus is in Afro-Latin Music, Detroit Techno, and Democratic Discourse in the Performing Arts.