Tay Butler’s CollageShop
Thursday, February 3
Free and open to the public
Registration required
Blaffer Art Museum
Join the Houston-based artist Tay Butler in an exploration of the themes of community and history through the expansive medium of collage. CollageShop is a hands-on workshop led by the artist where participants will learn about the history of collage, notable artists who work with this medium, and Butler’s own history as a multidisciplinary artist. Butler will guide participants as they craft their own collages.
At the workshop, make art while browsing a selection of curated art books and museum catalogues at the UH Library Pop-Up and. Visit and tour the exhibitions on view at the Blaffer Art Museum and learn more about how to get involved with the Blaffer Art Museum Student Association.
CollageShop is presented in partnership with Public Art UHS. This workshops is free and open to the public on a first-come, first-serve basis. Space is limited and registration is required. All workshop materials will be provided to participants.
Tay Butler is a multi-disciplinary artist based in Houston while teaching and studying in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Currently an MFA candidate of the University of Arkansas’ Photography and Studio Art program, he received his BFA in Photography and Digital Media from the University of Houston. His work We Are Still Searching…, currently on view at UH’s Louise J. Moran Fine Arts Courtyard, uses the medium of collage to revisit the Great Migration of six million African Americans out of the South, as well as explores the current Re-Migration to the South. The 14-foot-tall collage includes items such as old magazine advertisements from the 1950s, 60s, and 70s as well as billboard images passed by Black Americans along their north/southward routes.
Image: Tay Butler, We Are Still Searching…, 2019. Plywood, Xerox prints, acrylic, spray paint, canvas and bandana on 9′ x 14′ x 7′ plywood platform. Fabricated in collaboration with Patrick Renner and Frantz Jenkins.